Lord Montgomery presents new Colours in the Bowes Museum Park, Durham (1955)
MONTY PRESENTS COLOURS: Full Description: CASTLES. "MONTY PRESENTS NEW COLOURS TO 1st BATT. THE S/LANGS.".. in the Bowes Museum Park. Colours. F/M Lord Montgomery presents...to the 1st Batt. the South Lancsin the Bowes Museum Park Durham. DURHAM. In the "BOWES MUSEUM PARK BARNARD CASTLE" Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery presented new Colours to 1st Batt. the South Lancashire Rgt. MILITARY BRITISH. Monty presents new Colours to the "1st BATT. SOUTH LANCS"...DURHAM. in the Bowes Museum Park MONTGOMERY FIELD MARSHAL LORD. Presents new Colours to the 1st BATT. the S/Lancs in the Bowes Museum Park Durham. Personalities - Armed Forces; Field Marshall Bernard Law Montgomery; Military - Ceremonial Background: MONTY PRESENTS COLOURS: FILM ID: VLVA8UDYET14SAMYDEJO6LYS7OKHH To license this film, visit https://www.britishpathe.com Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé -
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Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VojhLG3xKYo
Resource type: Video
Last modified: 1 year, 4 months ago
Viewed: 253 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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