Cardinal Bourne visits Newcastle (1921)
Cardinal Bourne (Archbishop of Westminster), Lord Mayor and corporation, attend high mass at St. Mary's? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Cardinal Bourne's Visit to Newcastle ENGLAND: Tyne and Wear: Newcastle upon Tyne (Newcastle): St. Mary's Cathedral: EXT GV. Cardinal Bourne & clergy in procession to SV (30ft) GV./Cardinal Bourne & clergy past (49ft) SV. Mayor & civic officials walk past in procession (62ft) LV. PAN. Cardinal Bourne entering Cathedral in distance, boy scouts in foreground (68ft) Personalities - Religious, Ceremonies - Religious, Great Britain, religious processions, Francis Alphonsus Cardinal Bourne, Roman Catholic Background: Cardinal Bourne (Archbishop of Westminster), Lord Mayor and corporation, attend high mass at St. Mary's Cathedral in Newcastle FILM ID: VLVACVV0BJ477QSHVAY5WOB1ID0HE To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé -
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Last modified: 1 year, 2 months ago
Viewed: 195 times
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