Boer War Material Reel 1 (1899-1900)

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    Collection of material made by the Warwick Trading Company. Many thanks to Luke McKernan at the National Film and Television Archive for his assistance in identifying these stories. Note: this reel is a print of "Boer War Material reel 2" i) The Arrival and Reception of Lord Roberts at Capetown. Lord Roberts gets into his carriage - he had arrived to take over command of the British forces. Incomplete story - original has footage of Roberts inspecting a guard of honour. Date: 10 January 1900. Edgar Hyman was the cameraman. Warwick Trading Company catalogue number 5540a. ii) Lancers Crossing the Modder River - A long column of Lancers are seen fording a steep-banked river. They are filmed from one bank, riding towards and past the camera. The Modder River was a key battleground during the Boer War. Date: 8 December 1899. John Benett-Stanford was the cameraman. Warwick Trading Company catalogue number 5523. iii) Churned Waters - view from the rear of a ship - nothing to do with the Boer War! Date: March/April 1899. Warwick Trading Company catalogue number 5179. iv) The "Roslin Castle" (Troopship) Leaving for South Africa - Spectators on the quayside at Southampton wave farewell as the crowded troopship Roslin Castle moves away to the right of the picture. Large numbers of troops on board wave back. According to Luke this is in better condition and slightly longer than the NFTVA version. Date: 20 October 1899. Warwick Trading Company catalogue number 5476. v) The Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers Digging Entrenchment's at Orange River, South Africa - The Passing of the Armoured Train - A large group of British soldiers are seen digging entrenchment's under the supervision of officers. A brief second shot shows an armoured train going past. The first film of British troops at the front taken during the war. Date: 12 November 1899. John Benett-Stanford was the cameraman. Warwick Trading Company catalogue number 5507. vi) Dispersing the Troops at Windsor After Parade - The dispersal of the Companies following the review of the 1st and 2nd Life Guards by Queen Victoria at Spital Barracks. The Companies, drawn up in single file, march towards the rear of the barracks before dispersal. This film originally followed after the film described below. Date: 11 November 1899. Warwick Trading Company catalogue number 5486b. vii) Review of the Life Guards by Her Majesty the Queen - Queen Victoria seated in her carriage with her back to the camera (on the left hand side of the frame, barely visible), and surrounded by invited guests, acknowledges the salutes of the officers as the 1st and 2nd Life Guards (in khaki) march before her at Spital Barracks, Windsor. The Review took place prior to the Life Guards' departure for South Africa. Date: 11 November 1899. Warwick Trading Company catalogue number 5483a. FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT
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    Resource type: Video
    Last modified: 11 months ago
    Viewed: 198 times
    Picture Taken: Unknown
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