Bastle at Low Leam Farm -Corenside - List Entry
The bastle, a defended medieval farmhouse, is situated among farm buildings 12m to the north of the present farmhouse. The structure, composed of blocks of roughly squared stone, and surviving in original form to eaves level, is roughly rectangular in plan, measuring 9.4m by 5.6m within stone walls 1.2m thick. The basement, or byre, was entered through a doorway in the west gable; this is square headed and displays a relieving arch over the lintel and two draw bar tunnels. The doorways in the east and north walls are later additions. There is an original slit window in the south wall of the byre which has been blocked at a later date. The top stone course of the byre projects outwards in order to carry the heavy timbers which supported the upper storey. The upper storey was used as the main living area of the farm and access was gained through a door placed in the south wall, now blocked and only visible from a later farm building built against the south wall; also visible is a blocked slit window and an inscribed stone carrying the initials `M C' and a date thought to read `1602'. The walls of the bastle were raised in the 19th century and it has a modern roof. The monument is also a Grade II Listed Building.... -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 1 year, 4 months ago
Viewed: 198 times
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