This little cottage in Low Sand Lane Cockermouth, now part of the Trout Hotel was the home of one of our Astronomers Royal, Fearon Fallows who was born here in 1788. His early talent was nurtured and he graduated from St.John's College, Cambridge (His next-door neighbour William Wordsworth achieving a similar distinction in 1791 when Fallows would have been three years of age). He became an ordained minister of the Church of England before meeting an untimely death (Scarlet Fever) in South Africa in 1831. William Wordsworth was born in a much grander house in 1750 immediately adjacent to the spot where this photograph was snapped. There is a Westmorland slate plaque to the right of the door in the picture recording the Fallow's tenure. He is also represented on the Cockermouth History Wall and I believe there is a mural to his memory in Cockermouth but I don't know where it is. -
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Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/8521690@N02/13192802765/
Resource type: Image
Added by: Edmund Anon
Last modified: 1 year, 4 months ago
Viewed: 204 times
Picture Taken: 2014-03-14T14:39:57 -
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