County Court and gates, piers and railings to front, 56 Westgate Road - Newcastle - List Entry
"County Court building. Dated 1864. Sandstone ashlar with rusticated quoins to upper floors; dark slate roof. Classical style. Three storeys, five bays and archway at left. Steps up to double door under fanlight in right bay; Rusticated ground floor forming voussoirs to end doors, four round-headed windows and left archway. Masks on arch keys. Margined sash windows, shallow segmental headed on first floor, and square-headed on second, those on upper floors in architraves which are lugged and keyed on first and have bracketed sills on second floors. Ground-floor entablature with dentilled cornice; second-floor sill band and lintel string which supports brackets to top cornice. Low-pitched hipped roof has tall ashlar chimneys with bracketed cornices. Royal Arms on blocking course above left archway; ground-floor frieze inscribed COUNTY COURT 1864...." -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 1 year, 10 months ago
Viewed: 188 times
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