From Mansion House to Assembly House to Art House
"55 Westgate Road will soon be hosting a number of events in conjunction with Newcastle Arts Centre....The site of the present 55/57 Westgate Road has seen a wide range of occupants, and this stretch of Westgate Street was certainly occupied from the 15th Century. The building has been rebuilt at least once and ‘recased’ twice. The early cellars are built from stone and provided the foundations for a timber framed building with brick infill. The house was recased in brick in the late 17th Century and recased in stone in the 1770’s. The front wall is 3 walls thick faced with a grey millstone grit that is much harder than the local dune sandstone. By contrast the delicate doorway is made from a very fine sandstone which suggests that it may have been a special commission or salvaged from another building. In the 1680’s it was the home of an Irish Roman Catholic, Sir William Creagh. He was made Mayor and Freeman of the City by Royal Mandate, this being part of James II’s efforts to assert the power of the Crown – at the expense of Newcastle’s privileges and independence. The King removed the incumbent Mayor and officials, ordering the electors to choose Creagh and other Royal nominees. The electors refused, on the grounds that they were “papists and persons not qualified”. This action had no effect, Creagh and his cronies simply assumed office. However, his period of power was short lived. Resentment at royal interference in the city’s politics, Creagh’s religious sympathies and factional rivalry among the ruling elite combined to remove him. Thus, when William of Orange landed in England in October 1688, Creagh was removed from office and his political career came to an end. From 1716 to 1736 this was know as the Assembly House...." -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 1 year, 9 months ago
Viewed: 279 times
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