Graveyard tribute to a ‘venerable couple’
"In the churchyard of St James', at Hutton in the Forest, this grave has had the epitaph, presumably originally on the stone, inscribed on a metal plate so that it is still legible nearly 250 years after their death. It reads, slightly abridged:- “ lie ... Tho. Dixon...Yeoman, who died Feby 20th 1762 aged 89 and Margaret his wife who died March 1764 aged 81. This venerable couple lived together in great conjugal felicity for upwards of sixty years, and by the blessing of God on their prudent economy, and laudable industry were enabled in a commendable and exemplary manner to educate and provide for a numerous family of seven sons and four daughters…..all of whom [the eldest son excepted] lived to be men and women.” " Photo by M J Richardson, 2011. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 1 year, 10 months ago
Viewed: 203 times
Picture Taken: 2011-04-16 -
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