"Former farmhouse, now (1988) HQ of the archaeological unit excavating the adjacent Roman site. Substantially the house built by Henry Norman in 1858, but incorporating extensive remnants of an earlier building, possibly C15 or early C16 and perhaps erected by the de Vaux family. Coursed rubble masonry, rendered on all but the rear (N) elevation; ....A C19 engraving shows that there was no tower to the W before 1858; however the external stack visible on the E wall of the tower evidently pre- dates the 1858 work for its extensive corbel table survives and is visible in the roof space....The C19 owner (Henry Norman) was an antiquerian and conducted his own excavation of the adjacent Roman site. This 'tower house' (to the W) is an interesting example of 'medieval reconstruction', although it is possible that some archaeological evidence indicated the presence of a tower here, and that the surviving C16 work represents the remains of a hall range. Birdoswald Farmhouse also indicates the long-established and continuous occupation of this site from Roman times....." -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 1 year, 10 months ago
Viewed: 202 times
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