Low Cleughs bastle
"The bastle (fortified farmhouse) stands up to eaves height on a site next to a tributary of the River Rede. It measures 13.3m by 7.5m and its walls are up to 1.4m thick. Features such as square-headed doorways, drawbar tunnels and sockets survive as well as first floor windows. Together with the possibility that there may have been an attic storey, this larger than average bastle may have been of a higher status than most and may have belonged to a person of some status. Nearby are the earthwork remains of enclosures and smaller buildings which are thought to be contemporary with the bastle." Photo by Pete Saunders, 2006. -
Pete Saunders -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/612863
Resource type: Image
Added by: Peter Smith
Last modified: 2 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 200 times
Picture Taken: 2006-09-11 -
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