Gateway adjoining Capella Extra Portas, Furness Abbey
"Capella extra portas roughly translates as “chapel outside the gate”. It is a late-twelfth century ruined chapel situated outside the abbey precinct and was used by dependents of the monastery and others who did not normally worship in the abbey church. It is adjoining the gothic carriage arch which spanned Abbey Approach and formed the gateway to the abbey precinct. This was a post-Reformation (16th century) construction on the site of the original abbey outer gate which was presumably destroyed following the dissolution of the abbey in 1537. Both the chapel and the arch are Grade I listed buildings: Chapel ( Historic England List Entry Number: 1292871). Archway ( Historic England List Entry Number: 1197907)." Photo by David Dixon, 2020. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 2 years, 6 months ago
Viewed: 307 times
Picture Taken: 2020-08-26 -
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