Poem by Wilfrid Wilson Gibson on the Temperley Memorial Fountain, Market Place
"See [[671762]], [[671768]] and [[530381]]. The plaque reads "O! You who drink my cooling waters clear / Forget not the far hills from whence they flow / Where over fell and moorland year by year / Spring summer autumn winter come and go / With showerings and rain and storm and snow / Where over the green bents forever flow / The four free winds of heaven where time falls / In solitary places calm and slow / Where pipes the curlew and the plover calls / Beneath the open sky my waters spring / Beneath the clear sky welling fair and sweet / A draught of coolness for your thirst to bring / A sound of coolness in the busy street. Wilfrid Wilson Gibson Hexham Feb 1901"." Photo by Mike Quinn, 2008. -
Mike Quinn -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/673058
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 2 years, 7 months ago
Viewed: 603 times
Picture Taken: 2008-01-30 -
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