THE WATCH HOUSE - Whitehaven - List Entry
Pier Master's Watch House and store, built 1764, onto quay wall and steps. For Whitehaven Harbour Trustees. Original Watch House: built of large ashlar blocks, similar to the Watch Tower (q.v.), of buff sandstone. Later bay in coursed squared rubble of buff/red sandstone. Hipped roof is of king post trusses and through purlin construction.....The older part was built to provide safe storage for the Pier Master's equipment and stores eg. hawsers, capstan bars and other materials with a room 'for the resort of the Pier Master and the Harbour Boatman' (p42, B.S-H.). There is a suggestion that part of the Watch House may have been used as a public house (p.22.DH) and the later extension may have provided a workshop with a chamber above for the Pier Master's personal use. The Watch House has important group value with the Watch Tower and the Old Quay and is a significant component of the historic harbour of Whitehaven...." -
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Added by: Edmund Anon
Last modified: 2 years, 11 months ago
Viewed: 486 times
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