Pond, Windy Nook Nature Park
""The Windy Nook Nature Park project is a partnership between Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council and the Conservation Volunteers. It began in August 1981. The project is designed to make the land suitable for different species of plant and wild life which would not normally be seen in an urban area. covers about two hectares, and is on land which used to have houses built on it. Many of the people who lived on this site would have worked in the quarry or pit which were only a short distance away." This account was submitted to the BBC Domesday Project in 1986 http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/domesday/dblock/GB-424000-558000/page/13 The park provides spectacular panoramic views of Tyneside's economic heartland and the east coast beyond." Photo by Andrew Curtis, 2012. -
Andrew Curtis -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2977329
Resource type: Image
Added by: Pat Thomson
Last modified: 3 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 611 times
Picture Taken: 2012-05-20 -
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