Rennington, All Saints
According to F. R. Wison: The Church of All Saints Rennington RENNINGTON church was originally an ancient Norman chapel resembling that at Rock in general character and size It was unfortunately rebuilt in the year 1831 when the whole was cleared away The new fabric consisted only of a nave with a large square tower at the west end It stands on a slight knoll in an expanse of flat fertile country dotted with farm houses In the year 1865 the present vicar the Rev WLJ Cooley MA accomplished various improvements which have materially toned down the abrupt features of the new structure He erected a new chancel with a vestry on the north side of it and on the north side of the nave he threw out an aisle The new aisle and chancel are treated in the Decorated manner in contrast to the work of 1831 in which the windows are long wide lancets The east window of the chancel has three lights with geometric tracery over them The central light is filled with modern stained glass representing the enthronement of our Lord in Heaven There is some novelty in the arrangement of the new pulpit here It is approached from the vestry and the preacher emerges through an opening close to the chancel arch and appears in it without any visible ascent in the church There is a low reading desk on the north side of the chancel close within the arch and a lectern Over the communion table there is a marble super altar on which is incised an ornamental cross The spaces between the timbers of the roof are coloured blue -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 3 years, 3 months ago
Viewed: 557 times
Picture Taken: 2021-08-12T15:07:45 -
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