EXCHANGE BUILDINGS - Newcastle - List Entry
"...Incorporates Nos 120-150 odd Grainger Street and Nos 24-36 even, Market Street. Shops and offices and bank. Circa 1840 for Richard Grainger. The east front of a triangular block between Market Street, Grainger Street and this street, containing Central Arcade. Sandstone ashlar; Welsh slate roof and lead-covered corner domes. 4 storeys with rounded 5-bay corners; 7:6:7 bays. Central Arcade entrance, with high rounded hood on modillions over keyed arch inserted 1901 in bay to right of central pavilion. High office entrance in left bay of central pavilion has steps up to renewed door in panelled surround with bracketed hood; flower-carved brackets, dentilled cornice. Ground floor, partly rusticated, has c.1900 shops with slender pilasters..." -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 3 years, 4 months ago
Viewed: 331 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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