Millennium Seat, White Moss Common, Field Broughton
"Extracts from the information board: As part of the Broughton East Millennium Celebrations and with the aid of a grant from the Local Heritage Initiative the Pound on White Moss was repaired and a Millennium Seat constructed. The essential repairs to the pound and the construction of the seat were carried out using local stone and traditional lime mix mortar with the seat being designed to complement the shape of the pound. Today White Moss Common is used as a communal area and for commemorative occasions. An oak tree was planted in 1977 to commemorate HM Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee and a beech tree in 2002 to commemorate her Golden Jubilee. Minimal cultivation of the common takes place in order to encourage natural diversity of flora and fauna." Photo by Ian Taylor, 2011. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 3 years, 5 months ago
Viewed: 321 times
Picture Taken: 2011-09-04 -
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