Gosforth Cross
"Situated in St Mary's churchyard at Gosforth, the Gosforth Cross is an ancient cross depicting elaborate carvings of scenes from Scandinavian sagas and the crucifixion. The red sandstone cross is estimated to date from 920-950AD and is still in good condition. The Church of St Mary in the background is a Grade I Listed Building. http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101063710-church-of-st-mary-gosforth#.WYzPMTGWw5s" Photo by G Laird, 2017. -
G Laird -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5492745
Resource type: Image
Added by: Edmund Anon
Last modified: 4 years ago
Viewed: 402 times
Picture Taken: 2017-07-25 -
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