Identifier: ourironroads00will Title:">Our iron roads: their history, construction and administration Year:">1883 (">1880s) Authors:">Williams, Frederick Smeeton, 1829-1886 Subjects:">Railroads -- History">Railroads -- Great Britain Publisher:">London : Bemrose & sons Contributing Library:">University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor:">MSN View Book Page:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Book Viewer About This Book:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" rel="noreferrer nofollow">view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: members of Parlia-ment upon whose decision, so far as one estate of the realm wasconcerned, rested the fate of the Bill. They are seated, as istheir wont, covered. A question is asked by the chairman con-cerning the bearing of a certain clause ; a learned counsel, ina sharp, rapid, conversational way, replies ; and a sentence byway of rejoinder is uttered by a portly counsel on the other side. Who are they ? we whispered to a lawyers clerk who stood THE PREAMBLE PROVED. 87 beside us in the throng. Thats Ursa Major, he answered,pointing covertly to the former speaker ; splendid man, dread-fully clever, but a bear. And who is the other counsel ? Oh, thats the Busy Bee, he continued ; and so we came tolearn that, even within the arena of law and in the High Courtof Parliament itself, pleasantries abound. The critical moment has come. Every sound is hushed ; andall eyes are turned towards the chairman, as pausing for a mo-ment, as if to add to the suspense, he slowly says : I am directed Text Appearing After Image: PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE-RUOM. to state that the Committee are of opinion that the preamble ofthe Bill is proved, and to report to the House accordingly. The Committee rise, and immediately the throng breaks up.It is a Midland Bill, and Midland people are strongly repre-sented. The chairman, Mr. Ellis, comes from his seat withinthe bar, looking as courteous and as resolute as ever. Mr.Allport, whose tall figure might a moment before have beenseen bending eagerly forward as he awaited the fate of hispolicy, walks out into the corridor with a sunny smile on hisface ; while his then chief secretary, who follows him, playfullyparries the thrust which some humorous competitor has levelled 88 0! R [RON Ku.Mis. at him. Counsel, agents, and officials hustle one another intheir flight down the staircase, and as we cross the lobby andhear tlie great clock bell sound four, we learn that Mr. Speakeris at prayers. C>n the occasion of the decision being given on the Londonand York—eventually th Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years ago
Viewed: 339 times
Picture Taken: 1883-01-01T00:00:00 -
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