Gateshead’s Unbuilt Airport
"It’s hard to imagine the North East’s international airport being anywhere other than Newcastle. It is, after all, the largest city in the region and has strong business, transport and financial links. But the location of the airport was not always a foregone conclusion.....By 1929 a location had been agreed on by the councils of Felling, Washington, Boldon, Jarrow and South Shields, and despite trepidation from the bigger councils of Gateshead, Sunderland and Newcastle, Felling was settled on as the best location. The plans show that the airport would be built over a 200 acre area, centred at Whitemare Pool and engulfing large swathes of land on what is now the Leam Lane Estate, including two farms and Heworth Golf Course....." -
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Added by: Peter Smith
Last modified: 4 years ago
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