One of the new totem poles (detail)
"The celebrated totem poles of Stonehaugh were first fashioned by forestry workers in 1971 at a time when chainsaws were a novelty. After the base of the poles rotted, they were replaced in 1982 and again in 1992. In 2018, the poles were taken down for a third time; after removing the rotten parts, the truncated totem poles have been re-erected behind the village hall. The fourth set of poles have now been installed. Forestry England donated three 80ft larch tree trunks for the project. Responsibility for the three new designs was undertaken separately by Eggers (the timber board manufacturers in Hexham), by Forestry England in discussion with Wark First School, and by the National Park. Northumbria Water supplied sections of water main pipe to protect against base rot. This detailed image is of the design by Forestry England in discussion with Wark First School." Photo by Oliver Dixon, 2019. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years, 3 months ago
Viewed: 461 times
Picture Taken: 2019-11-09 -
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