Stublick Colliery
"On the OS Map OL43Stublick Colliery is marked as Stublick Farm. Stublick Colliery is one of the best surviving 19th century collieries in the country. It has a well preserved range of colliery buildings, including an engine house, store and furnace house and chimneys. The colliery worked the small Stublick coalfield and supplied coal to nearby Langley and Blaghill lead smeltmills. The mine closed in 1926 and all the building on this site have been abandoned." Photo by Les Hull, 2006. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 492 times
Picture Taken: 2006-02-01 -
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