Percy's Cross with Enclosing Wall and Railings

  • Description

    "Wayside cross. Square socket stone carrying shaft with chamfered angles; each face bears relief carvings of crescents, fusils and lucies (pikes), with fetterlocks on the angle chamfers. The carved motifs are all Percy emblems; the cross commemorates Sir Ralph Percy, who fell leading the Lancastrian army at the battle of Hedgeley Moor, 23rd April 1464. Enclosure overgrown with weeds. Access over locked gate! In the background is the trackbed of the old Alnwick to Cornhill railway. " Photo by Russel Wills, 2014.
  • Owner

    Russel Wills
  • Source

    Geograph (Geograph)
  • License

    What does this mean? Creative Commons License
  • Further information

    Resource type: Image
    Added by: Simon Cotterill
    Last modified: 4 years, 9 months ago
    Viewed: 505 times
    Picture Taken: 2014-06-19
  • Co-Curate tags


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Co-Curate is a project which brings together online collections, museums, universities, schools and community groups to make and re-make stories and images from North East England and Cumbria. Co-Curate is a trans-disciplinary project that will open up 'official' museum and 'un-officia'l co-created community-based collections and archives through innovative collaborative approaches using social media and open archives/data.