Percy's Cross, Beanley
"Percy's Cross, with enclosing wall and railings II* Wayside cross, later C15; C19 wall and railings. Sandstone, cast iron. Square socket stone carrying shaft with chamfered angles; each face bears relief carvings of crescents, fusils and lucies (pikes), with fetterlocks on the angle chamfers. Head missing; overall height c.3 metres. Enclosing dwarf wall with chamfered coping, carrying rails with barbed tops; similar gate on north. The carved motifs are all Percy emblems; the cross commemorates Sir Ralph Percy, who fell leading the Lancastrian army at the battle of Hedgeley Moor, 23rd April 1464." Photo by David Clark, 2013. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years, 9 months ago
Viewed: 631 times
Picture Taken: 2013-07-14 -
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