Bedlington War Memorial - List Entry
"War Memorial, by R Oliver. Granite and sandstone. Low stone kerbs and pillars surround, short approach with flanking walls and eight stone steps up. Celtic cross with inverted torch to shaft and stone wreath at foot. The words "FOR HOME AND DUTY" inscribed on base of shaft. Mounted on two-tier pedestal with stepped base; Upper pedestal bears names of fallen in five columns on front and single columns to either side; lower pedestal has names from 1939 -1945 on front and sides and inscription THESE FELL IN THE GREAT EUROPEAN WAR/1914-1918/REMEMBERED BY DEEDS NOBLY DONE/HEROES EVERYONE and THESE FELL IN 1939-1945 IN WORLD WAR II...." -
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Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years, 9 months ago
Viewed: 403 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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