Telephone box, Marton

  • Description

    "A K6 type telephone box near the centre of the village. In 1935, the Post Office commissioned a new kiosk from Sir Giles Gilbert Scott to celebrate the Jubilee of King George V. The K6 Jubilee Kiosk, as it is known, was similar to the K2 box, being made of cast iron and painted red but was 25% lighter in weight. By the end of the 1930s there were 20,000 K6 telephone boxes in use all over the UK." Photo by Maigheach-gheal, 2010.
  • Owner

  • Source

    Geograph (Geograph)
  • License

    What does this mean? Creative Commons License
  • Further information

    Resource type: Image
    Added by: Edmund Anon
    Last modified: 4 years, 11 months ago
    Viewed: 420 times
    Picture Taken: 2010-03-25
  • Co-Curate tags


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Co-Curate is a project which brings together online collections, museums, universities, schools and community groups to make and re-make stories and images from North East England and Cumbria. Co-Curate is a trans-disciplinary project that will open up 'official' museum and 'un-officia'l co-created community-based collections and archives through innovative collaborative approaches using social media and open archives/data.