Belsay Hall, Belsay
"A Greek Revival house quite unlike any other in the country, perhaps because it was designed by hellenophile Sir Charles Monck for himself (it's unclear whether he had professional guidance from John Dobson). Inspired by continental buildings and like-minded souls, he started building in 1807 and it was completed in 1817. It is startingly severe, and although only two storeys high, its pair of giant Doric columns (in antis, i.e. flush with the wall) and broad frieze impart a sense of monumentality. Grade I listed. Interior shot: The hall, castle ( and grounds are all now in the hands of English Heritage." Photo by Stephen Richards, 2003. -
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Added by: Peter Smith
Last modified: 4 years, 11 months ago
Viewed: 470 times
Picture Taken: 2003-07-19 -
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