Church Hill Cross at Alnmouth
I have been wanting to take this shot for ages from Church Hill looking northwards towards Alnmouth. I was patient and held out for the right conditions and prayed there was no scaffolding in town which seems to be the vain of my life. I was rewarded with a number of shots which I will put on Flickr in due course. There’s always something comes up that I don’t plan for. This time it was a load of middle age gentlemen who had got lost on the beach heading towards Alnmouth, they didn’t realise there was a river in the way. They came out of nowhere trooping up the hill in front of the cross right into my shot. Thankfully they left soon afterwards when I gave them directions around the estuary towards Alnmouth. I never saw them in Alnmouth later which I thought I might. I hope they avoided the quick sand. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 2 months ago
Viewed: 501 times
Picture Taken: 2019-09-20T10:11:28 -
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