Dinnington (including Mason)
"The earliest recorded evidence for early human activity at Dinnington is the recorded discovery of a bronze age gold earring (HER 779) in the village in 1861. A late prehistoric rectilinear enclosure (HER 1322) is known from aerial photographic evidence at nearby Gardener’s Houses on the edge of Prestwick Carr (HER 1325), a marshland area drained in the 19th century where a hoard of Roman bronze vessels was found. A quern of late prehistoric or Roman date was found at South Brenkley Farm in 1963. The medieval village of Dinnington (HER 1337) was established by the mid 13th century when it was a member of the barony of Mitford and held (in 1242) by the heirs of Henry de Ferlington. There were six taxpayers there in 1296, and ten in 1312....." -
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Link: https://sitelines.newcastle.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Dinnington.pdf
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 4 months ago
Viewed: 512 times
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