Weetslade Country Park celebrates its 10th anniversary
The Land Trust 30th June 2016. "Weetslade Country Park is celebrating its 10 year anniversary since being unveiled to the public, having been transformed from an abandoned colliery site to a popular wildlife-rich green space.....The site was eventually extensively landscaped, with the creation of hill, grassland, scrub, reedbed and woodland areas, along with the installation of an eye-catching drill head sculpture at the summit, 95 metres above sea level, acknowledging its proud mining history. National management charity, the Land Trust, took over the site with the aim of opening up community access. Fast-forward to 2016 and free-to-visit Weetslade Country Park provides an important habitat for birds such as the skylark, grey partridge, reed bunting, bullfinch and lapwing as well as the small skipper butterfly, badgers and deer. It has been a remarkable journey for the park, officially opened in 2006 and managed on the Land Trust’s behalf by Northumberland Wildlife Trust. Within five years, the park went to win a Green Flag Award in 2011 for its positive environmental impact. Weetslade Country Park has been embraced by the community it serves, particularly proving popular with volunteers...." -
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Link: https://thelandtrust.org.uk/news/weetslade-country-park-celebrates-10th-anniversary/
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 10 months ago
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