Middleton bridge over the River Tees
"A popular spot for canoeists to put on to the river for the trip down to Cotherstone, with public footpaths giving access either river right downstream of the bridge (where you can see boats on the beach) or river left upstream, at the confluence of Hudeshope Beck, which gives paddlers an extra hundred metres of river. Although the first section of the river down to Eggleston Bridge lacks the excitement of the Racing Stretch beyond, and can be a bump and scrape in lower water levels, it does give chance to warm up for what can otherwise be a rather short trip. It was at one time apparently not unknown for access to be disputed at Eggleston, whereas here there is no possible issue." Photo by Andy Waddington, 2010. -
Andy Waddington -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2156931
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years ago
Viewed: 459 times
Picture Taken: 2010-10-28 -
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