'Shakespeare' at Wesley House, Dufton
"A printed notice on the wall explains: 'Wesley House was originally built as a Methodist Chapel in 1820 and was converted into a private residence during 1935/36. In the days when Dufton had a stonemason living in the village he made for himself a statue of William Shakespeare. Apparently, during one night, someone had broken the statue's feet off. The mason was intending to throw the damaged statue out. The family who were in the process of converting the chapelheard about this and decided to have a niche built where a window was to be bricked in to house the statue.'" Photo by Karl and Ali, 2013. -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3614821
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years ago
Viewed: 592 times
Picture Taken: 2013-08-20 -
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