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Old Library, Walker
The former Walker Library building is located on Welbeck Road in Walker, Newcastle. It was opened as the Lady Stephenson Library in 1908, commissioned by the industrialist and former Mayor, Sir William Haswell Stephenson, in dedication to his wife who died in 1901. The building was designed by John Dyson, and coat of arms of Lady Stephenson's family can still be seen carved in stone above the doorway. The building is on the Local List of buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest ('Local List') for Newcastle. The library closed at this location on 29th June, 2013; Walker Libary relocated to the Activity Dome on Wharrier Street. The Lady Stephenson Library building was refurbished in 2014 to be the premises of Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
016461:Walker Library Welbeck Road Walker Signey James 1967
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

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Walker Library
- Overview Map Street View Walker Library is located in the Activity Dome on Wharrier Street in Walker, Newcastle. The library relocated here, and had previously been at the Lady Stephenson …

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
016461:Walker Library Welbeck Road Walker Signey James 1967
Pinned by Simon Cotterill