Topics > Northumberland > Catton > Old Church of St Paul, Chatton

Old Church of St Paul, Chatton

The former St Paul's Church in Catton is now a private dwelling.

"The Mission Church of St. Paul, at Catton, erected in 1901 is a building of stone in the Early English style, from designs by Messers. Hicks and Charlewood, architects of Newcastle, and has a turret containing one bell. The church affords 120 sittings. The Sunday School and parish vestry, erected in 1879, adjoin the churchyard."

Kelly's Directory of Northumberland, 1914
Catton 1901 Former Church
from Geograph (geograph)
The Former St Paul's Church, Catton

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Allen Valleys Local History (flickr)
Catton [0028-001]

Pinned by Simon Cotterill


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