Notice and Take Down Policy
Newcastle University seeks to observe the highest standards of compliance with the law and the rights of rights holders. Co-Curate North East encourages the use of materials with Open Access licences and is a community Website in which schools, students, community-groups and members of the public can add, link to and share resources.
Please note that the Website embeds many photographs and videos from public Websites, such as Flickr and YouTube, and clearly labels the source. These resources are linked to from these sites, rather than stored in Co-Curate. You should contact the relevant site seperately to request that your resource is removed from there, which will stop the image/video being displayed on the Co-Curate Website. Newcastle University has no control over these third party Websites.
If you are a rights holder and are concerned that you have found material on our website or legitimately under our name elsewhere, for which you have not given permission, or is not covered by a limitation or exception in laws of the UK or other countries (as relevant), please contact us in writing stating the following:
- your contact details
- the full bibliographic details of the materials
- the exact URL or other location where you found the material
- proof that you are the rights holder and a statement that, under penalty of perjury, you are the rights holder or are an authorised representative
Contact details
If the initial assessment is that your complaint is potentially valid and requires further investigation or legal advice, the relevant material will be removed forthwith pending the outcome of the complaint.
For full details of the process see the University Notice and Take Down Policy.

  Co-Curate Page
- Co-Curate includes images and videos from many sources. These remain copyright of the respective owners. Details of the owners and licencing information (where know) is displayed when viewing specific resources. …