Topics > Tyne and Wear > Gateshead > Marley Hill > Marley Hill Colliery (1840 - 1983)
Marley Hill Colliery (1840 - 1983)
The Marley Hill Wagonway linked the colliery to the Pontop and Jarrow Railway, with coal and coke being shipped from Jarrow. The Marley Hill Coking Company also had coke ovens at Grimsby, which used coal from Marley Hill shipped from Jarrow. At its peak level of employement, there were 1,025 people working at Marley Hill Colliery in 1914 (699 working below ground, 326 on the surface). In 1975 there were 948 people employed at the colliery (806 working below ground, 142 on the surface). Marley Hill Colliery was closed on the 3rd of March, 1983.

Tyne and Wear HER(3705): Marley Hill Colliery
- "The Marley Hill Colliery was commenced on 9th January 1840 and the Busty seam was reached on 28th June 1840, production having commenced in May 1840 from the upper seams. …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

The Hobson Pit Strike 1849
- "December 1849 saw the beginning of a short but very bitter dispute between the owners of Marley Hill colliery and their workmen over low wages....On January 11th 1850 at 10 …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(3705): Marley Hill Colliery
- "The Marley Hill Colliery was commenced on 9th January 1840 and the Busty seam was reached on 28th June 1840, production having commenced in May 1840 from the upper seams. …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

The Hobson Pit Strike 1849
- "December 1849 saw the beginning of a short but very bitter dispute between the owners of Marley Hill colliery and their workmen over low wages....On January 11th 1850 at 10 …
Added by
Simon Cotterill