Topics > Tees Valley > Seaton Carew > Holy Trinity C.of.E Primary School, Seaton Carew
Holy Trinity C.of.E Primary School, Seaton Carew
Holy Trinity Church of England (Aided) Primary School is located on Crawford Street in Seaton Carew. The school has about 250 pupils aged 3 to 11.[1] It is part of the Durham Diocesan Multi Academy Trust. The school extended to cater for nursery age pupils in September 2014, following the closure of Seaton Carew Nursery School. The current school building was opened in December 2015 by the Rev. Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham.[2] It replaced an earlier building on the Crawford Street site, built in 1925. The school can trace it's history back to 1844; it was originally located on Ashburn Street - the former school building now being used as a church hall.[3]

from https://www.holytrinitycofese…
Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School
- Official Website of Holy Trinity Church of England (Aided) Primary School, Seaton Carew
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from https://get-information-schoo…
Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School
- The 'Get information about schools' site includes information about each school, its governors, links to Ofsted inspection reports etc.
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from https://www.thenorthernecho.c…
Bishop of Durham officially opens new primary school
- Northern Echo 9th December 2015. "A NEWLY-BUILT primary school has been given the seal of approval from the Bishop of Durham, the Right Reverend Paul Butler.
Seaton Carew Holy Trinity …
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Seaton C. of E. School (now Holy Trinity Seaton)
- "This school opened in 1844.The school was rebuilt nearby in Crawford Street in 1925, has been extended and is now known as Holy Trinity C of E Primary School. The …
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Old school building - Holy Trinity Primary School, Seaton Carew
- Demolished c.2016 after new building was opened in December 2015
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from https://www.holytrinitycofese…
Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School
- Official Website of Holy Trinity Church of England (Aided) Primary School, Seaton Carew
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from https://get-information-schoo…
Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School
- The 'Get information about schools' site includes information about each school, its governors, links to Ofsted inspection reports etc.
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from https://www.thenorthernecho.c…
Bishop of Durham officially opens new primary school
- Northern Echo 9th December 2015. "A NEWLY-BUILT primary school has been given the seal of approval from the Bishop of Durham, the Right Reverend Paul Butler.
Seaton Carew Holy Trinity …
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Seaton C. of E. School (now Holy Trinity Seaton)
- "This school opened in 1844.The school was rebuilt nearby in Crawford Street in 1925, has been extended and is now known as Holy Trinity C of E Primary School. The …
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Old school building - Holy Trinity Primary School, Seaton Carew
- Demolished c.2016 after new building was opened in December 2015
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