Topics > Civil Parishes in Cumbria > Bewaldeth and Snittlegarth Civil Parish > Historic Buildings and Monuments in Bewaldeth and Snittlegarth

Historic Buildings and Monuments in Bewaldeth and Snittlegarth

Listed buildings and scheduled monuments in Bewaldeth and Snittlegarth Civil Parish, Cumbria, from the National Heritage List for England[1]. Use the Search (below) if looking for a specific building / monument.

Structure List No. Grade Built~ Note
Barns and Byres to North West of Low Garth and Crag View 1106317 II C18th  
Binsey View 1106341 II 1760 Farmhouse
Crag View Low Garth 1144545 II C18th Farmhouse, now 2 dwellings.
Garden Wall and Gate Piers in Front of Low Garth and Crag View 1327164 II C18th  
High Bewaldeth Cottage and Adjoining Former Stable 1327163 II C17th Now house & garage
High House and Adjoining Stable, Byres and Barn 1144546 II 1669 Farmhouse
Snittlegarth and Adjoining Stables 1106292 II C18th Farmhouse
The Lodge 1144547 II 1891 Lodge to Snittlegarth
Snittlegarth moated site 1013386 n/a C14th Scheduled Monument
Two Roman forts and three sections of Roman road at Caermote 1014285 n/a   Scheduled Monument

Primary source: the National Heritage List for England - NHLE is the register of nationally protected historic buildings and sites in England, including listed buildings, scheduled monuments, protected wrecks, registered parks and gardens, and battlefields. The list is maintained by Historic England. Check NHLE for updates and new entries. Secondary sources: British Listed Buildings.

Bewaldeth and Snittlegarth Civil Parish


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