Topics > Northumberland > Cramlington > Cramlington, 1855
Cramlington, 1855
Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855.
This chapelry, forming a portion of the parish of St. Andrew, Newcastle, is bounded on the north by Horton, on the west by Stannington, on the south by Long Benton, and on the east by Earsdon, and comprises an area of 3,492 acres. The number of its inhabitants in 1801, was 271; in 1811, .303; in 1821, 330; in 1831, 931 ; in 1841, 2,634; and in 1851, it had increased to 3,367 souls. Its rateable value is £9,018, 10s. The great and rapid increase of population observable in this chapelry, is owing to the opening of coal mines, which are worked by Humble, Lamb, and Co., and Joseph Lamb and Co., the former working those on the property of the late Thomas Taylor, Esq. and the latter the East Cramlington Colliery, The principal landowners are Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart., H. S. Storey, Esq., and Hugh Taylor, Esq. Cramlington was formerly held under the barony of Gaugy by a family who bore the local name, but on the failure of the male line, in the latter part of the reign of Henry V. it was transferred by marriage to the Lawsons, and subsequently to the Cholmleys and Radcliffes, becoming ultimately the property of the present proprietors.
THE VILLAGE of Cramlington is pleasantly situated on a fertile and gentle elevation, commanding beautiful and extensive views of the surrounding country, and the German Ocean. It is distant about eight and a half miles north-east from Newcastle. THE CHAPEL is a neat edifice, dedicated to St. Nicholas. The living is a perpetual curacy in the archdeaconry of Northumberland and deanery of Newcastle, gross income, £75. The tithes were commuted in 1839; aggregate amount of the Bishop of Carlisle's, £266. 13s, 4d.; of the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle's, £266. 13s. 4d.; and of the impropriator, £102. Patron, Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart.; incumbent, the Rev. Robert Green- wood. This village possesses two day schools, one of which, the "Cramlington National School for Girls," with the teacher's house adjoining, was erected at the sole expense of Mrs. Storey, of Arcot Hall, who, also, endowed the school with an income of £30 per annum. It was opened in 1853. Margaret McKenzie, teacher.
Here is CRAMLINGTON HALL, the seat of Hugh Taylor, Esq., and ARCOT HALL, the residence -of Henry Shum Storey, Esq.
CRAMLINGTON COLLIERY, or, as some call it, East Cramlington Colliery, is a considerable collection of cottages, inhabited principally by the workmen employed in and about the colliery from which the place derives its name. It is situated contiguous to the boundary of Seaton Delaval, and possesses two small chapels, belonging, respectively, to the Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists. There is also a day school, conducted by Mr. David Stokoe.
CRAMLINGTON HIGH PIT is a colliery hamlet, situated about a mile east of the village of Cramlington. WEST CRAMLINGTON COLLIERY is another hamlet similar to the one just mentioned. In 1850, two small chapels were erected here by the Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists. A school for the education of the colliery children was opened here in 1849. The present building not being sufficiently commodious for the number of pupils in attendance, it is purposed, by John Walker, Esq. of Seaton Burn, and the other owners of the colliery, to erect a more suitable school-room during the present year. William Hornsby and Jane Robson, teachers.
CHARITY - Robert Storey, who died in August, 1822, left .£100 to be laid out on government security, on trust that the dividends should be paid to the chaplain and churchwardens of the chapelry, for the benefit and relief of the poorest or least able to work, of the necessitous inhabitants of the village of Cramlington or precincts thereof, male and female, belonging to the chapelry of Cramlington.
POST OFFICE, CRAMLINGTON, Thomas Bell, postmaster. Letters arrive from Seaton Delaval, at noon, and are despatched thereto at 2 p.m.
Atthey Thomas, grocer and flour dealer, West Cramlington Barras James, butcher and Cramlington Bell John W. grocer, East Cramlington Bell Thomas, grocer, flour dealer, and farmer, Cramlington Bell William, brick and tile manufacturer, and land agent, West Cramlington Bell William, grocer, East Cramlington Bird Wm. shoemaker, West Cramlington Burlinson Jno. foreman smith, Cramlington Colliery Carr Thomas, grocer and flour dealer, Cramlington High Pit Carr William, farm manager, East Cramlington Colliery Carter Thomas, coal inspector, East Cramlington Colliery Clough Robt. grocer, &c. West Cramlington Colliery Craig Robert, surgeon, Cramlington Davison Thomas, foreman engineer, Cramlington Colliery Dinning Thomas, blacksmith and agricultural implement maker, Cramlington Edgar Thomas P. grocer and flour dealer, West Cramlington Ellison John, boot and shoemaker, Cramlington Fairmann Robt. mercht. tailor, Cramlington Foster Mary, schoolmistress, East Cramlington Colliery Grabam Thomas, smith, West Cramlington Colliery Gray Authony, boot and shoemaker, Cramlington Gray Edward, coal inspector, West Cramlington Colliery Gray William, leather cutter, and boot and shoemaker, Cramlington . Hagan Edward, linen and woollen draper, Cramlington Halifax Rev.Joseph, curate of St. Nicholas's Chapel, Cramlington Hardy John, butcher, Cramlington Henderson Joseph, vict. Blue Bell Inn, West Cramlington Hornsby William, schoolmaster, Colliery School, West Cramlington Hughes William, draper, West Cramlington Jobling Elizabeth, vict. Doctor Syntax Inn, South Cramlington Lawson Mark, vict. Blue Bell Inn, Cramlington Liddle H. joiner and builder, Cramlington Maddison William, under viewer, West Cramlington Colliery McKenzie Margaret, schoolmistress, Cramlington Girls' School Milburn Robert, tailor, Cramlington Moore William butcher, Cramlington |
Morris Thomas, beerseller and shopkeeper, Cramlington Mundy Joseph, station master, Cramlington Railway-station Paine John, butcher, Cramlington Percy Joseph, vict. & carrier, Fox & Hounds Inn, Cramlington Potter Mr. Edward, colliery viewer, Cramlington Bouse Potts Michael, carrier from Cramlington to Newcastle on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays Potts Wm. joiner & cartwright, Cramlington Ramsay John, coal inspector, West Cramlington Colliery Richardson John, butcher, West Cramlington Robinson Thomas, mason, Cramlington Robinson William, vict. Railway Tavern Robson Jane, schoolmistress, West Cramlington Colliery school Robson George, smith, West Cramlington Simmons George, gardener and seedsman, Cramlington Stephenson Josiah Wheatley, tailor, Cramlington Stokoe Edward, schoolmaster, East Cramlington Colliery Storey Henry Shum, Esq. Arcot Hall Taylor Hugh, Esq. Cramlington Hall Tate Wm. overman, Cramlington Colliery Telford William, under-viewer, Cramlington Colliery Thompson Wm. grocer and draper, Albion House, Cramlington Vint Thomas, shopkeeper, Cramlington Weddell John schoolmaster, Cramlington Young Mrs. Ralph, Crow Hall
Farmers Bell Thomas, Cramlington Boutflower John, Bassington Hood Edward, and Hood Edward, jun. Cramlington Moor House Lowes John, Cramlington Beacon Millburn Ralph and John, Dam Dykes Riddle Geo. sen. and Riddle Geo. jun. and Edwd. Riddle, Cramlington White Hall Sisterson Thomas, South Cramlington Smith John, Shank House Smith Robert, and overseer, Cramlington Wardle Thomas, Cramlington |
Carrier, Joseph Percy, from Fox & Hounds Inn, Cramlington