Topics > Civil Parishes in Cumbria > Milnthorpe Civil Parish > Milnthorpe,with Heversham Township, 1848

Milnthorpe,with Heversham Township, 1848

MILNTHORPE, with Heversham, a township, in the parish of Heversham, union and ward of Kendal, county of Westmorland, 7½ miles (S. by W.) from Kendal, 32 (S.W. by S.) from Appleby, and 256 (N.W. by N.) from London; containing 1,599 inhabitants, of whom 1,159 are in the market-town of Milnthorpe. The town consists of four short streets, with some detached houses of neat appearance, and is beautifully situated in a valley on the northern bank of the river Bela, which empties itself into the estuary of the Ken: at spring tides the sea flows up to within a mile of the town. There are quarries of marble and limestone, and indications of iron-ore and of coal: a flax-mill and a ropery are in operation. Three-quarters of a mile east, is the Milnthorpe station of the Lancaster and Carlisle railway. The market is on Friday; and fairs are held on May 12th, and Oct. 17th, for cattle, sheep, and horses. Courts leet and baron are held annually. St. Thomas' church, consecrated on the 1st of October, 1837, stands prettily in the centre of the town; it is in the early English style, with a tower and pinnacles, and cost about £1600. Attached to it is a district including the hamlet of Ackenthwaite. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Vicar of Heversham; income, £120, with a house. A national school is partly supported by subscription.

Extract from: A Topographical Dictionary of England comprising the several counties, cities, boroughs, corporate and market towns, parishes, and townships..... 7th Edition, by Samuel Lewis, London, 1848.

Milnthorpe Civil Parish Milnthorpe Heversham Heversham Parish, 1848
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