Topics > Drumburgh > Drumburgh Castle

Drumburgh Castle


Drumburgh Castle is a medieval pele tower in the village of Drumburgh, in Cumbria, England.


A pele tower was originally built on this site, near the village of Burgh, by Robert le Brun in 1307, on the site of a former tower that had been part of Hadrian's Wall. The construction used red sandstone masonry from the wall for its construction. Thomas Dacre rebuilt the castle in 1518, producing what contemporaries described as "neither castle nor tower but a house of strength". The house was altered again between 1678 and 1681 by John Alglionby, producing the current design. The property today has a distinctive first floor doorway and staircase - a later addition to the castle - decorated with the Dacre coat of arms, and has parts of a Roman shrine incorporated into its stonework.

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Drumburgh Historic Buildings and Monuments in Bowness Civil Parish
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Drumburgh Castle

Pinned by Edmund Anon
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Drumburgh Castle

Pinned by Edmund Anon
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Drumburgh Castle

Pinned by Edmund Anon
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Drumburgh Castle, Drumburgh

Pinned by Edmund Anon
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Pinned by Edmund Anon
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Drumburgh Castle

Pinned by Edmund Anon
- "Tower House, now farmhouse. C13, licence to crenellate granted to Robert le Brun 24 August 1307. Alterations originally dated 1518 with initials and coat of arms of Thomas Lord Dacre …

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Edmund Anon


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List grade: 1
List number: 1144623
County: Cumbria
Wikipedia: Drumburgh Castle
Grid ref: NY2657759765


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